Thursday, August 27, 2015

1.13 My Thoughts on Public Comments.

After reading 10 selected comments on the article, "Donald Trump Issues New Statement On Mexican Immigrants" I will answer the following questions;

Lisa de Moraes. Donald Trump Issues New Statement on Mexican Immigration via Deadline. 07/06/2015. limited license.
  • How would you describe the fears and anxieties being expressed in these comments? What are these commentators afraid of, specifically?

The anxieties expressed are due to the strongly supported and relentless statements that Trump has made regarding illegal immigration. I think most people who dislike Trump are afraid that he will close borders and business ties to mexico to prove that he believes Americans should feel safe and have more jobs. It was also mentioned in one of the comments that it almost seems like it is the only reason he is running for president.

  • What kinds beliefs and values are represented in these comments? How would you characterize the kinds of values and beliefs being expressed in the comments? 
In these particular comments it seems that most agree that America should care more about the criminal record of the illegal immigrants and not the amount of illegal immigrants that are crossing the border. The commentators valued honesty and believed in safety.
  • Which commentators came across as the most reasonable? What made them seem reasonable?
I think the most reasonable comment was from a person who was raised by an illegal immigrant and explained the hardship the family endured to eventually become an American citizen. Having a first hand experience allows for greater insight to the general public from a perspective of how the majority of illegal immigrants struggle to become American and also shows how Trump should be sympathetic to these cases.

  • Which commentators came across as lacking credibility or trustworthiness? Why didn’t they seem trustworthy?

Out of all the commentators, only one stated his occupation as an federal law enforcement officer. Only one other spoke of a first hand experience of the illegal immigration issue. The rest seemed to just rant, have malicious hopes for Trump and talk about how he was a hypocrite.

After reading Deb's and Anthony's Blog Posts I was reassured that ther are other students that have concurring thoughts on how perspective has a great affect on a comment and how Trump is portrayed and being gung ho about illegal immigration.

1.10 What is fracking and why is it controversial?

What is fracking and why is it controversial? 08/27/2013 via BBC.
This article by BBC explains the how hydraulic fracturing recovers gas and oil from shale rock and the environmental concerns that have risen and its advantages. This interests me since I am a strong advocate of alternative energy research and development. It makes me wonder how reluctant countries around the world will be to explore alternative energy if we potentially have 100 years more of gas and oil coming our way. I believe that by enabling companies to continue fracking would hinder the efforts to drive pollution towards the elusive zero carbon emission world.

1.9 Calendar Reflection and Getting "In The Zone".

Being "In The Zone" is a feeling of intense focus, efficiency, and revitalizing your drive. By continually pushing myself to be "In The Zone" I keep my drive, build confidence, and encourage personal development.

Andrew Rocha. Breaking through "The Wall" 03/22/2011 via Facebook. no known license
After updating my calendar to reflect my Fall semester at the University of Arizona, I confirmed that it was going to be a hefty schedule to keep up. I will be taking my last required English course and 4 Junior courses; Thermodynamics, Physical Optics, Optical Laboratory, and Theoretical Mechanics. In addition to my 15 units, I will be conducting research with the Material Science Department at the Arizona Material Laboratory, continue investigating the feasibility of a 589 nm laser design for NASA, and have made commitments with 11 good friends to each teach me a skill they know that I don't.
The skills to be learned are driving a motorcycle, trapshooting, juggling, flight simulation, driving a tractor, maintaining an exercise routine, playing a song on the guitar, painting, lens design software, and target practice with pistols and rifles. It may sound as though I wont have time to relax, however I have found that learning new things relaxes me and allows me to focus and get "In The Zone".

I will be spending the most of my time with the study group I helped form in the last year because I found that working in an environment with like-minded individuals is empowering and motivational. I definitely looking forward to the fast-paced semester and pushing myself to achieve my goals.

What do you do to get "In The Zone"?

After reading the schedules of Michael Dominguez and Krissandra I saw that I am not alone in the struggles of a jam packed calendar. I hope my tips help them in successfully accomplishing their goals.

1.8 My Writing Process; Being a "Heavy Reviser".

I read "Discovering Your Writing Process" from A Student's Guide to First-Year Writing by Jacobson, Brad, Madelyn Pawlowski, and Emma Miller. I found that I was a "Heavy Reviser" and will answer questions from the Craft box: Reflection section.

"Thinking about your own writing process"
  1. What type of writer do you consider yourself to be?
    1. I consider myself a "heavy reviser". I tend to have to spill the first thoughts on "paper" no matter how confusing, cluttered, and unorganized they seem. I spend most of my time on writing in the revising stage. Sometimes I get caught up with wanting perfection so I seek out advice of others to find the best manner to get the message across to my audience.
Douglas LeMoine. "john patrick mckenzie - random words" 11/03/2005 via Flickr. Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 license
  1. Does your writing process include several of the above approaches? If so, which ones?
    1. In an unexpected deadline, I believe I can also manage being a "procrastinator" type.It was also the style of writer I was in high school. I you stay up all night writing essays and hoping that they were good enough to pass the course. I have changed a lot since my high school days. I take my academic career seriously now and want to ndevelop my writing skills as much as possible.
  2. Does your writing process seem to be successful? What are the strengths and weaknesses of your approach?
    1. I believe the being a "heavy reviser" works best for me for multiple reasons. Planning what to write in my head with spotty memory usually ends up being forgotten. So trying to be a "heavy planner" doesn't work out and even in times when I try being that type I usually fail. I always feel the need to at least jot down the thought that would develop into a well written statement. Also having used to be a "procrastinator" I noticed a huge difference in quality of writing. I also get more sleep.The weakness of my approach would be that I spent much more time than needed in revising.
  3. Do you think it might be beneficial for you to try a different approach? Why or why not?
    1. I would like to try to be a "sequential composer" because it seems like I would be able to save time in my writing. Unfortunately, I find that I find comfort in being a heavy reviser since I identify myself as a perfectionist

After reading my classmate's blogs, Cynthia Ramirez and Anthony Saito, I learned that I am not the only person who believes being a "Heavy Reviser" is a good style to combat against being a procrastinator and gained insight on how to try using a "Sequential Composer" style to increase my efficiency and improve my time management.