Thursday, August 27, 2015

1.9 Calendar Reflection and Getting "In The Zone".

Being "In The Zone" is a feeling of intense focus, efficiency, and revitalizing your drive. By continually pushing myself to be "In The Zone" I keep my drive, build confidence, and encourage personal development.

Andrew Rocha. Breaking through "The Wall" 03/22/2011 via Facebook. no known license
After updating my calendar to reflect my Fall semester at the University of Arizona, I confirmed that it was going to be a hefty schedule to keep up. I will be taking my last required English course and 4 Junior courses; Thermodynamics, Physical Optics, Optical Laboratory, and Theoretical Mechanics. In addition to my 15 units, I will be conducting research with the Material Science Department at the Arizona Material Laboratory, continue investigating the feasibility of a 589 nm laser design for NASA, and have made commitments with 11 good friends to each teach me a skill they know that I don't.
The skills to be learned are driving a motorcycle, trapshooting, juggling, flight simulation, driving a tractor, maintaining an exercise routine, playing a song on the guitar, painting, lens design software, and target practice with pistols and rifles. It may sound as though I wont have time to relax, however I have found that learning new things relaxes me and allows me to focus and get "In The Zone".

I will be spending the most of my time with the study group I helped form in the last year because I found that working in an environment with like-minded individuals is empowering and motivational. I definitely looking forward to the fast-paced semester and pushing myself to achieve my goals.

What do you do to get "In The Zone"?

After reading the schedules of Michael Dominguez and Krissandra I saw that I am not alone in the struggles of a jam packed calendar. I hope my tips help them in successfully accomplishing their goals.


  1. wow!! I know you can accomplish all your goals!!

  2. So is that your pic? If so, you technically hold the copyright (unless you license it otherwise).

    1. Should I say "attributed" or get it formally licensed?
