Wednesday, October 14, 2015

7.3 Analyzing My Audience for Project 2.

  • Who am I writing for?
    •  New and incoming students majoring in optics. 
  • What will they want to know? 
    • How a public speech is rhetorically constructed/situated by people in the optic. 
  • How might they react to my argument? 
    • New students will want to get the experience and insight of learning the process. 
  • How am I trying to relate to or connect with my audience? 
    • As a student in optics at a higher class with research experience, I believe I can provide good insight for new students in the major or refer them to a more knowledgeable source.
  • Are there any specific words, ideas, or methods of presentation that will help me relate to them in this way?
    • I believe that having them read a research paper published in one of the most accepted optics journals will get the new student to willingly trust the manner by which this public statement is constructed and presented to others in our field.

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