Wednesday, October 14, 2015

6.7 Analyzing Rhetorical Strategies in "Trouble with the Lorentz Law of Force: Incompatibility with Special Relativity and Momentum Conservation".

Analysis from text.

Appeal to Credibility:
  • Which items on the bulleted list of strategies on page 182 can you recognize in your text?
    •  The author seems credible because he demonstrates sound logic and works out a theoretical example in math to show how his claim works better than the standard formula. He also incudes many references in his paper. The author tries his best to move the audience toward his position buy showing a mathematical example.
  • How and why would the author use these strategies?
    •  He uses these strategies because in the scientific community the "evidence" should both be proven mathematically and experimentally.
  • How do these strategies affect the audience’s perception of the author’s credibility and character?
    • The work Masud provides is sound mathematically, therefore it cause a split in the audience for those who argue for Lorentz Force  and those for Einstein-Laub use
  • How does the use of these strategies impact the effectiveness of the text’s overall message?
    •  It greatly enhances the text and allows him to achieve immense credibility.
  • Does the author seem to have any biases or assumptions that might impact his or her credibility?
    •  The greatest assumption Masud makes is that his examples constitute enough warrant to abandon the established model that was developed in the early 1900's. To truly have the support of the physics community there will have to be many more examples in which his claims are valid.
 Appeals to Emotion

  • Which items on the bulleted list of strategies on pages 182-3 can you recognize in your text?
    • This author does not seem to appeal to any emotion, does not use images or stories and does not use language to invoke an emotional response.
  • What emotional response is the author attempting to create? 
    • If any he is trying to persuade the scientific community to look at relativistic charged particle motion in a magnetic field with a different model.
  • What is the actual result?
    • The result was a very informative and well written research article that was persuasive with examples and demonstrations in mathematics.
  • Are these emotions effective or ineffective for this particular audience and rhetorical situation?
    • The lack of emotion is extremely effective because in this situation. emotional reasoning should not be a  factor in deciding what laws should be used to model physical systems.
  • How do these emotional appeals affect the credibility of the author or the logic of the text?
    •  The emotional appeal of imploring to abandon the old view degrades the author's work slightly since the decision should be left up to the audience after reviewing the author's findings.
Appeals to Logic
  •  Which items on the bulleted list of appeals on page 183 can you recognize in your text?
    •  I can recognize the global and local logic of the research article and I believe that most of the paper is written to be logical.
  • What response is the author attempting to create by employing these strategies?
    • The response the author attempts to achieve with his logic is to have the audience side with his perspective and follow his suggests in using the Einstein-Laub Force.
  • What is the actual result?
    • The actual result is discourse, confusion, and debate in the scientific field.
  • Are these strategies effective or ineffective for this particular audience and rhetorical situation?
    • The logic in his paper is effective, however it is a paper that stands alone in its claim and therefore lowers its credibility.
  • Which items on the list of logical fallacies on pages 185-6 can you recognize in your text?
    • The logical fallacy that the author may be engaging is a hasty generalization because he only has a few examples in which his claim works better than the established method, however he does have a compelling argument with the evidence he has provided.
  • What effect does the use of these logical fallacies have on the reader?
    • The effect it has is discrediting and has caused a major debate to erupt.

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