Saturday, October 17, 2015

8.4 Revised Introduction.

I feel that this revision is much better. I started my revised introduction with a quote from a famous physicist to grab the reader's attention. The structure is better structured to aid into spelling out the forecasting of the essay. I have made sure my thesis stood out by placing it in a good spot within the introduction.

Old Version:

        The field of optics uses Maxwell’s equations in conjunction with the Lorentz Law of Force to model experiments in theoretical physics since 1904 [1]. Hendrik Lorentz derived the modern form of electromagnetic force that year showing the contributions to the total force from both the electric and the magnetic fields [3]. Famous physicist, PoincarĂ©, “Critically noted that the Relativity Principle, Newton's action and reaction, the conservation of mass, and the conservation of energy are not fully established and are even threatened by some experiments.” [5] Poincare points out that the inconsistencies in the Lorentz force may not be the best solution for some experiments. Masud Mansuripur's paper, "Trouble with the Lorentz Law of Force: Incompatibility with Special Relativity and Momentum Conservation," suggests adopting a solution first presented by Einstein-Laub in 1908 and gives mathematically sound proof that resolve the issue of "hidden" momentum [6]. This claim brought about an uproar in the physics community when “the proponents of hidden momentum submitted several Comments to Physical Review Letters and denounced [Mansuripur's] ignorance of hidden momentum, which they described as an essential ingredient of the classical theory.”[5] Mansuripur's paper is a good example of how to submit a scientific hypothesis to the general optical physics community, even when the result may cause a large debate. This peer review process is the best way for a scientific hypothesis to be accepted or denied.

New Version:

       Famous physicist, Henri PoincarĂ©, said, “the Relativity Principle, Newton's action and reaction, the conservation of mass, and the conservation of energy are not fully established and are even threatened by some experiments.” [5] PoincarĂ©'s comments were made in 1904 after Hendrik Lorentz derived the modern form of electromagnetic force earlier that year [3]. Masud Mansuripur's paper, "Trouble with the Lorentz Law of Force: Incompatibility with Special Relativity and Momentum Conservation," suggests adopting a solution first presented by Einstein-Laub in 1908 and gives a mathematically sound proof that resolves the issue of "hidden" momentum [6]. This claim brought about an uproar in the physics community with responses that challenged Mansuripur's paper and expertise. Mansuripur defended his paper further by respectfully responding to the comments made with a follow-up paper with explicit details [5]. Mansuripur's paper is a good example of how to submit a scientific hypothesis to the general optical physics community, even when the result may cause a large debate with the physics community. Publishing research papers and the peer review process is the best way for a scientific hypothesis to be accepted or denied in the physics community.

1 comment:

  1. Good job! I find your topic really interesting! Also, your new version is much better than your old one! I like how you made the new version a little shorter and more concise. Your thesis sentence is very strong! Good job!
